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Schumann, Kurtág & Bruch

Charlton House, 31st May

This concert - the same programme by the newly named trio was reviewed more fully at the Royal Academy of Music - was repeated at Charlton House before a large audience with, if anything, its perfection enhanced.

Charlton regulars were daunted by the asperities of Kurtág, but showed warm appreciation for Schumann and for four of Bruch's lesser known pieces for their instrumental line up.

Kurtág's Schumann homage was ended in a more appropiate way than the composer's, by representing Kurtág's jokey idea about closing Schumann's coffin lid by closing the piano's lid gently, instead of a single quiet tap on a huge bass drum [L] - not really practical for touring the piece.

It was done judiciously by Antanas and generally felt to be an improvement on the original; perhaps Kurtag himself should be asked to endorse this variant?

Peter Grahame Woolf


